How to Extend or Renew an Indian Visa: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re currently in India and wish to extend your stay or your visa is nearing expiration, you may need to extend or renew your Indian visa to continue your stay legally. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of extending or renewing an EXTEND OR RENEW INDIAN VISA, including the eligibility criteria, application process, and important considerations.

Extending an Indian Visa

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for an Indian visa extension, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Your current visa category must be extendable.
  2. You should apply for an extension before your current visa expires.
  3. You must have a valid reason for extending your stay in India, such as medical treatment, tourism, business, or family visit.
  4. You should not have violated any visa regulations during your stay in India.

Application Process

  1. Visit the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) or the Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) nearest to your place of residence in India.
  2. Submit the required documents, including your passport, visa extension application form, proof of reason for extension, and any supporting documents.
  3. Pay the applicable visa extension fee.
  4. Attend any interviews or biometric appointments as requested by the immigration authorities.
  5. Await the decision on your visa extension application.

Renewing an Indian Visa

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for renewing an Indian visa, you must meet the INDIAN VISA INFORMATION FOR TOURISTS following criteria:

  1. Your current visa category must be renewable.
  2. You should apply for a renewal before your current visa expires.
  3. You must have a valid reason for renewing your visa, such as continued employment, study, or family stay in India.
  4. You should not have violated any visa regulations during your stay in India.

Application Process

  1. Complete the online visa renewal application form on the official Indian visa website.
  2. Gather the required documents, including your passport, recent photograph, proof of reason for renewal, and any supporting documents.
  3. Pay the applicable visa renewal fee online.
  4. Submit the application and required documents through the online portal.
  5. Attend any interviews or biometric appointments as requested by the immigration authorities.
  6. Await the decision on your visa renewal application.

Important Considerations

  • Visa extension or renewal is subject to approval by the Indian immigration authorities, and meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee approval.
  • Ensure that you apply for an extension or renewal well before your current visa expires to avoid overstaying your visa, which can lead to penalties, deportation, or future entry restrictions.
  • Follow all instructions provided by the immigration authorities and provide accurate and truthful information in your application.


Extending or renewing an Indian visa allows you to continue your stay legally in India for various purposes. By understanding the eligibility criteria and following the application process outlined in this guide, you can navigate the visa extension or renewal process smoothly and ensure compliance with Indian immigration regulations.